Contents with Linh Nguyen Yen as the author

Linh Nguyen

Linh Nguyen

Technical/Content Writer

Linh Nguyen is a technical writer who conveys technical matters and information into writing

More from Linh Nguyen

The Future of Technology in 50 Years to Come

The Future of Technology in 50 Years to Come

Trying to predict the future can be risky. Get it wrong, then your predictions come across as silly and far-fetched. Some good examples of this include meals in pill form, flying cars (we’re getting close though), and teleportation.

Linh Nguyen | 04/06/2024

A Dummy's Guide to Data Science

A Dummy's Guide to Data Science

How is Data Science changing how we are treating information and reshaping the way we live? Let's walk through the basics of Data Science and how this field of study is transforming how enterprises are dealing with data around the world.

Linh Nguyen | 12/08/2022

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