Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices Architecture
Microservices architecture is becoming more and more popular, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it? Let's find out in this article.
In the field of cloud computing, service-oriented architecture or SOA and microservices are well-known. A service-oriented architecture is a software design. On the other hand, a microservice is a distinctive architectural style for building applications and arranging them as loosely coupled services. The increase in the demand for highly scalable applications and the complexity of such applications have led to the developers adopting these architectures. The deployability of the applications with the use of any of these architectures is an added advantage. At first glance, the two architectures might sound similar; however, both are different from traditional architecture as they are scalable and comprise agile approaches. Let’s dive in further to look at the differences between SOA and microservices and find out the best strategy for your business.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) emerged to overcome the limitations of the monolithic architectures for the development of modern-day applications and their integration. The traditional architecture involved a complex procedure of connecting the application or functionality with other systems via point-to-point integration.
In SOA architecture, application components provide services to other components over the communication protocols in a network. Such communication is related to various services communicating with each other or a simple passing of data. The services in this context imply functions such as payment validation, account creation, or a simple provision of log-in. The protocols such as REST and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are used to interact with the services. Some of the critical services of SOAP are listed as below:
The business infrastructure of an enterprise is diverse, consisting of multiple software systems and applications. This leads to a complex nature of business systems comprising of applications that are providing interdependent services. As a result, the modification and scalability of the technical infrastructure are crucial to meet the demands of the business. SOA has been able to address some of the critical challenges that the enterprises faced. SOA’s loosely coupled characteristics make it relatively simple to add on to new services as well as to upgrade the existing ones.
Some of the most common ones were the need for a quicker adaptability to business changes, support for newer channels for customer interaction. In addition, large-scale websites providing services on a web-based platform can gain a lot with the implementation of a service-based architecture. Here are some of the benefits of the service-oriented architecture that are outlined for a better understanding.
Microservice architecture is another architectural pattern that divides large software into small components. In a microservice architecture, an application is built with various independent components. These groups of individual components run each application as a service. As a result, it is easier to scale applications built with this architecture and speed up the developmental process. There are four types of services under the microservice architecture.
The microservice architecture provides benefits over traditional architecture. As the services are divided into smaller components, they can be built by a smaller team. Microservices are used on a large scale, and it is evident from its demand by several businesses. The results achieved from the use of microservices have been productive. Let us explore the key features that have made microservices architecture preferred extensively.
Monolithic architecture is the default approach for creating a software application. However, the trend of using a monolithic approach is reducing since it faces numerous challenges, such as scaling, implementation of changes or deployment as most of the applications that were developed under this architecture comprised of a huge code base. On the contrary, this trend is shifting towards adopting the SOA and microservices. Businesses prefer microservices as they offer tangible benefits in terms of scalability, agility, and flexibility, to name a few. Tech giants such as Google and Amazon are some well-known corporations that have successfully transitioned from a monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture for their business operations. This has made many companies follow in their footsteps of using microservices for efficiency in their business. The following section highlights the strengths and weaknesses of these architectures.
Strength of monolithic architecture
Weakness of monolithic architecture
Strength of microservice architecture
Weakness of microservice architecture
Both of SOA and microservices have their benefits, so the question lies in choosing the right one. Although they have their similarities, it is important to note the difference between microservices and SOA for a clearer understanding of the choice of architecture.
Large organizations offering heterogeneous services are inclined to service-oriented architecture (SOA) due to the possibility of integration among these services and the messaging protocols. On the other hand, smaller businesses, including web-based and mobile-based applications, do not require robust communication among the services provided. Microservice architecture is better suited for such business requirements.
It will not be accurate to conclude between SOA and microservices by saying a particular architecture is better than the other. Both these architectures have their advantages and disadvantages. It is mainly dependent on how diverse is your application environment. For example, the complicated business requirements will be better served using of service-oriented architecture, whereas microservices will be suitable for web-based services and a smaller business environment setup. Thus, the debate over SOA vs. microservices can be concluded by describing that the application will be the deciding factor over the choice of architecture in an enterprise.
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