Software Development: Tip & Trick, Guides, Knowledge

Top 5 Most Useful Android Development Tools

Top 5 Most Useful Android Development Tools

According to Statista , even though Apple – ITunes Appstore – wins the revenue race, as of March 2017, Google runs the biggest app store – Google Play – compared to all other app stores thanks to its popular and widely-used Android operating system.

Linh Nguyen | 08/05/2020

Five Tips on How to Win Your Users with Effective User Interface

Five Tips on How to Win Your Users with Effective User Interface

UI/UX designers rule the world! Maybe not, but pretty close. Your skills create the face of the application, as well as one of the most important features of any software out there. How to make sure that your software or website’s user interface is engaging and create the most impact? Here are the 5 tips we have to make sure that your user interface can be customized to a more dynamic user population and generate the best results.

Linh Nguyen | 21/04/2020

JavaScript vs Python Which one should you pick?

JavaScript vs Python
Which one should you pick?

JavaScript is a scripting language. It is mostly used (but not only) as the scripting language for Web pages. JavaScript was originally developed as a front-end language to provide browsers with dynamic content that couldn’t be written with just HTML and CSS.

Linh Nguyen | 03/04/2020

Angular vs React

Angular vs React

Even if you are a beginner at coding, you should have probably already heard the term JavaScript not only once or twice. Basically, JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web. It is one of the three languages all web developers must learn, including HTML (content), CSS (layout), and JavaScript (behavior).

Linh Nguyen | 11/02/2020

Why mobile-first?

Why mobile-first?

Take a moment to think about how you're reading this text. Are you using a desktop computer at the calm of your home, a mobile device like laptop or tablet in a noisy café or a smartphone on a bouncing bus? The experience might be quite different. Because of the different platforms, all of these devices ask for a different design of a website or an application.

Orient Software Development Team | 26/09/2019

The next big step for Internet

The next big step for Internet

Remember Project 2501, the code that becomes self-aware “in the sea of information” in the near future? Predicted in the movie Ghost in the Shell (1995), a program that formed an identity was firmly science fiction – but as times change, we occasionally find our dreams becoming reality.

Orient Software Development Team | 28/07/2017