Scaling Your Business with Software Development Outsourcing

Øyvind Forsbak

Øyvind Forsbak | 04/06/2023

Software development is critical to business success in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. However, many companies need help to keep up with the demands of rapidly evolving technologies and the need for specialized expertise. This is where software development outsourcing can offer a valuable solution. By partnering with an outsourcing provider, businesses can access a broader range of skills and resources, increase efficiency, and improve scalability, all while reducing costs.  

Scaling Your Business with Software Development Outsourcing

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and best practices of software development outsourcing, as well as some of the challenges, so you can decide whether this approach is right for your business.  

What Is Project Management for Software Development? background

What is Software Development Outsourcing?

What is Software Development Outsourcing?

Software development outsourcing involves delegating software development tasks to a third-party provider, typically in a different country or region. These tasks can include a range of responsibilities, such as coding, testing, and project management.

Software outsourcing services can offer many benefits, including access to specialized skills and expertise, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Still, it also comes with risks and challenges that companies should carefully manage.  

Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing

Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing software development can offer a range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. These include:

Access to Specialized Skills & Expertise

Access to Specialized Skills & Expertise

Outsourcing providers typically have a deep talent pool with specialized skills in software engineering, project management, artificial intelligence, data analytics, user experience design, and more. This allows companies to access the necessary skills without hiring and training permanent employees.  

Software outsourcing companies have experience working with various clients and industries, offering a unique perspective on best practices and solutions. They are often at the forefront of new developments and bring this knowledge and expertise to their clients. 

Scalability & Flexibility

Scalability & Flexibility

Outsourcing companies can help businesses scale their software development operations up or down as needed without the hassle of hiring or laying off employees.  

This level of flexibility allows businesses to respond quickly to changing market conditions or customer needs and adapt to seasonal or cyclical fluctuations in demand. Additionally, outsourcing can help enterprises avoid the costs of maintaining a large in-house team utilized only during peak periods.  

Faster Time to Market 

Faster Time to Market

Staying competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment requires companies to bring their products to market quickly. As mentioned earlier, outsourcing companies have access to technical expertise, specialized skills, and scalability, which can streamline the software development process and reduce the time it takes to launch products and services.

Improved Focus on Core Business Activities

Improved Focus on Core Business Activities

Outsourcing software development allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies and strategic priorities without getting bogged down in the details of software development. By entrusting the entire software development process to a trusted software development outsourcing partner, businesses can free up their internal resources to focus on higher-value activities such as product innovation, customer engagement, and business expansion.

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

Many businesses turn to outsource software development in pursuit of cost savings. A survey by Deloitte found that over 70% of organizations outsource software development projects primarily to reduce costs. Outsourcing providers can offer competitive rates thanks to lower labor costs in their respective countries. Moreover, outsourcing can also help businesses reduce expenses such as overhead, equipment, and recruitment and training costs.

Navigating the Risks and Challenges of Outsourcing Software Development

Software development outsourcing can offer many benefits but comes with risks and challenges. To successfully navigate these potential pitfalls, it is vital to be aware of the risks and have a clear outsourcing strategy to mitigate them. Here are some of the key risks and challenges to consider when outsourcing software development:

Navigating the Risks and Challenges of Outsourcing Software Development

Communication & Cultural Differences

Communication & Cultural Differences

Communication barriers are a significant challenge in software development outsourcing. Language barriers, time zone, and cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and delays between the in-house and outsourced development teams. Language barriers can make conveying technical concepts and instructions challenging, while time zone differences can make it difficult to schedule meetings.

Cultural differences can affect communication styles and lead to misinterpretations. Clear communication channels, detailed project requirements, and regular check-ins keep everyone on the same page. Project management tools can also facilitate communication and collaboration.

Quality Control

Quality Control

One of the most significant risks with software development outsourcing services is the potential for quality control issues. When working with an outsourcing vendor, it can be challenging to ensure that the final product meets your organization’s standards for quality and functionality. Establishing clear expectations for quality and a system for ongoing testing and quality control throughout the software development life cycle is crucial to mitigate this risk. 

Data Security

Data Security

Data security is a primary concern in software outsourcing. Work with a provider with established security protocols and certifications, such as ISO 27001. Set clear expectations for data security and confidentiality in your contract and regularly monitor the provider’s security practices. Establish procedures for handling security breaches to ensure the provider’s response aligns with your company’s policies. Prioritizing data security helps minimize risks and build a strong outsourcing partnership.

Legal & Regulatory Compliance

Companies may be subject to different laws and regulations depending on their location and the nature of their services. For example, in the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets strict guidelines for handling personal data. At the same time, in the U.S., regulations, namely, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), protect healthcare data. As a result, to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, companies should choose an outsourcing partner with a strong compliance track record and who is familiar with the legal and regulatory landscape is essential. 

Hidden Costs

Hidden Costs

Outsourcing software development can save costs, but it’s essential to remember that hidden costs can arise. For example, travel expenses for on-site visits and legal fees for contract review and compliance may add to the hidden costs. Additionally, project management costs may increase, as having a dedicated project manager to oversee the outsourced team may be required.

Another potential hidden cost is the need for rework. Suppose the outsourcing team delivers work that doesn’t meet quality standards or align with the company’s vision. In that case, additional time and money may be necessary to fix or redo the work. It’s also essential to consider the cost of maintaining the software after its development.

Where to Outsource: Nearshore, Offshore, & Onshore Options

Where to Outsource: Nearshore, Offshore, & Onshore Options

When searching for software development services, businesses have various options for where to look for talent. The three main categories are nearshore, offshore, and onshore outsourcing.

  • Nearshore outsourcing involves working with a software development team in a neighboring country, typically within the same time zone or a few hours’ difference. For example, this option is popular for European companies working with teams in Eastern Europe.  
  • Offshore outsourcing involves working with a team in a significantly different country regarding time zone and location. This option is often more cost-effective, as countries in Asia like India, Vietnam, and the Philippines offer lower labor costs than those in Europe or the Americas.  
  • Onshore outsourcing involves working with software developers in the same country as the client. While this option is typically the most expensive, it can offer advantages regarding cultural and language similarities and ease of communication.

Software Outsourcing Destinations

When choosing a location for outsourcing, it’s essential to consider factors like language barriers, cultural differences, time zone differences, and the availability of talent with the necessary skills and expertise.

Software Outsourcing Destinations

Vietnam has become a popular outsourcing destination in recent years due to its highly skilled workforce, competitive labor costs, and favorable business environment. The country is home to a growing number of tech startups and a vibrant tech community, which makes it an attractive option for businesses seeking to outsource their IT needs.

Other popular outsourcing destinations include countries in Eastern Europe like Ukraine and Romania, and Latin America like Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. India remains a top outsourcing destination, but it’s essential to consider language and cultural differences when working with teams there. 

The choice of where to outsource ultimately depends on a company’s specific needs, budget, and the level of control and communication they require in the outsourcing relationship.  

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Software Development?

The cost of outsourcing software development varies widely depending on the country, with some countries offering lower rates than others. For example, countries like India, China, and Vietnam tend to have lower rates than the United States or European countries.  

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Software Development?

In Vietnam, for instance, rates can be as low as $18-$40 per hour, while in the United States, rates can range from $100-$250 per hour or more. In Eastern Europe, rates can vary from $30-$100 per hour depending on the country, while rates in India tend to be in the $20-$50 per hour range.

It is important to note that the software development outsourcing cost is one of many factors to consider when deciding on a service provider. Other factors, such as the provider’s expertise, communication skills, and cultural fit, are also essential to consider. Therefore, the cheapest provider may not always be the best choice.

Best Practices for Finding Software Development Outsourcing Companies

Finding the right outsourcing company is vital to the success of any software development outsourcing project. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when searching for the right software development company:

Evaluate Cultural Fit

When scrutinizing potential outsourcing software development companies, it is crucial to consider their cultural fit with your business. This means assessing whether their values, work ethic, and communication styles align with yours. A company with a similar culture is more likely to understand your needs and deliver work that meets your expectations.

Evaluate Cultural Fit

To evaluate culture fit, research potential outsourcing companies and review their website, social media presence, and other online materials. Look for indications of their values, mission statement, and work culture. You can also request references and speak with current or past clients to understand their experiences working with the company. Additionally, schedule a meeting with the vendor to discuss their communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. This will help you determine whether their work style aligns with your own and whether they are a good fit for your business.

Consider Company Size & Expertise

Another critical factor to consider when searching for a software development outsourcing company is the size of the company. Smaller companies may offer more personalized attention and flexibility in their services, while larger companies may have more resources and a larger talent pool. Determining which size company best suits your specific project needs is also essential.

Consider Company Size & Expertise

For instance, if your company or project is small, a smaller company can provide better attention and support to meet your needs. They may also be more willing to accommodate your specific project requirements and provide a more tailored approach.

On the other hand, if you have a larger and more complex project, a larger-size company with more resources may be a better fit. They may have a more comprehensive talent network and experience handling complex projects. In addition, it is essential to check the company’s scalability, as you may need to adjust the project scope or add more resources as it progresses.

Ultimately, selecting an outsourcing company that can provide the right balance of resources, expertise, and attention to meet your project needs is essential.

Review Company Portfolio & Case Studies

Reviewing a company’s portfolio and case studies is the next thing to do in finding the right software outsourcing firm. By doing so, you can gain insight into the company’s past work and experience, as well as their expertise in your industry or specific area of software development.

Review Company Portfolio & Case Studies

When reviewing a portfolio, it’s essential to look for projects similar to your needs and assess the quality of the work produced. Pay attention to factors such as user experience, functionality, and design. Additionally, case studies can provide a deeper understanding of how the company approaches and solves challenges during the product development cycle.

By reviewing a company’s portfolio and case studies, you can gain confidence in its ability to deliver quality work and decide whether they are a good fit for your project.

Check Client References & Reviews

Gathering client references and reviews is essential when searching for a software outsourcing company. This step helps you assess the company’s credibility and previous experience, which is critical for the success of your project.

Check Client References & Reviews

Start by reviewing the company’s website and other online resources, such as directories and review platforms. Look for customer testimonials highlighting their past work. It’s also essential to ask for feedback from previous clients if possible. Contact the company’s references or check online reviews to understand their reputation and track record.

When speaking with client references, ask specific questions about the company’s communication, project management, and delivery processes. Inquire about any challenges they faced during the project and how the company handled them. These conversations will help you gauge the company’s capabilities, communication style, and problem-solving skills, critical components to form a successful outsourcing relationship.

Strategies for Managing Outsourcing Relationships Effectively

Once you’ve selected the software outsourcing company and begun working together, effectively managing the relationship is critical to ensure the project stays on track and meets your business goals. Here are some strategies to consider:

Strategies for Managing Outsourcing Relationships Effectively

Establish Clear Goals & Expectations

Establish Clear Goals & Expectations

Defining clear goals and expectations is a must for managing outsourcing relationships effectively. Before engaging with an outsourcing vendor, businesses should take the time to clarify their project requirements and objectives, as well as any quality standards, timelines, and budget constraints. This will help ensure that both parties are aligned and working towards the same goals.

Once the outsourcing relationship is underway, it is vital to maintain open lines of communication and regularly check in on progress toward established goals. This can help identify potential issues or areas where adjustments need to be made and help keep the project on track and within budget. By establishing and maintaining clear goals and expectations, businesses can ensure that their outsourcing relationships are successful and meet their desired outcomes.

Build Strong Relationships with the Outsourcing Company

Build Strong Relationships with the Outsourcing Company

You should establish personal connections with the outsourcing partner to manage outsourcing relationships effectively. This means you should take the time to get to know their team and culture and foster a sense of trust and collaboration. This can be done through regular communication, both in-person and online, as well as through team-building activities and social events.

When both parties have a personal connection, addressing any issues or concerns arising during the outsourcing process becomes more manageable. It also helps to create a more positive working relationship and can lead to a better quality of work and increased productivity. Shortly, businesses can set themselves up for a successful outsourcing experience by investing in personal connections with their outsourcing company.

Foster Collaboration & Teamwork with the Software Development Company

Foster Collaboration & Teamwork with the Software Development Company

To further enhance the strong relationship with your vendor, fostering collaboration and teamwork is crucial for managing the outsourcing relationship effectively. When working with outsourcing partners, you should view them as an extension of your in-house team and create an environment that promotes open communication and collaboration.

This can be achieved through regular check-ins, project status updates, and ongoing dialogue. There is a need to establish a process for sharing feedback and resolving issues that may arise. By building strong collaborative relationships with outsourcing partners, businesses can create a more productive and efficient working environment that leads to better outcomes for everyone involved.

Embrace Agile Methodologies for Effective Outsourcing Management

Embrace Agile Methodologies for Effective Outsourcing Management

Agile processes are often used in outsourcing software projects, offering the client and the service provider several benefits. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, emphasize close collaboration and frequent communication between team members, which can improve the quality of the project and prevent the risk of misunderstandings or miscommunications.

Additionally, agile software development processes allow for greater flexibility and the ability to respond quickly to changing project requirements, which is particularly valuable in outsourcing relationships. Agile methods encourage continuous improvement, resulting in higher-quality work and greater efficiency.

Monitor Performance & Adjust Strategies as Needed

Monitor Performance & Adjust Strategies as Needed

Effective monitoring of outsourcing performance is crucial for maintaining a successful outsourcing relationship. And to monitor performance, businesses should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly review them with their outsourcing partner. This can help both parties stay on track and identify areas for improvement.

Furthermore, you should develop a plan to address any issues, such as missed deadlines or quality concerns.

In addition to monitoring performance, you should be flexible and willing to adjust strategies as needed. Outsourcing relationships are dynamic and can change over time, so it’s necessary to be adaptable and ready to make changes to ensure the partnership’s success. This could involve changing the scope of work, adjusting timelines, or revising processes to align better with business objectives. Also, effective communication is vital in managing these changes and ensuring all parties are aligned and working toward common goals.

Address Issues Proactively & Seek Resolutions Together

Address Issues Proactively & Seek Resolutions Together

Despite best efforts, conflicts and issues may arise in outsourcing relationships with an outsourcing software development company. It is essential to address them proactively and seek resolutions to avoid potential problems that could escalate and cause project delays or failures. Establishing communication channels and addressing issues promptly and constructively can help build trust and prevent minor issues from becoming more significant.

Both parties should be willing to listen and understand the other’s perspective, be open to feedback, and work together to find mutually agreeable solutions. It is also advised to have a clear escalation path for more severe or complex issues that cannot be resolved through regular communication channels. By working collaboratively to address problems and find solutions, both sides can strengthen their relationship and secure the project’s success.

Choosing the Right Engagement Model

Engagement models define the relationship and level of involvement between a client and an outsourcing provider during a software development project. There are many different software development outsourcing models to consider:

Fixed Price Model

The fixed price (project-based) model involves setting a predetermined project scope, timeline, and budget, with the outsourcing provider agreeing to deliver the project within those parameters. This outsourcing model is well-suited for projects with a well-defined scope and a clear set of deliverables.

Fixed Price Model Pros

Provides a clear and predictable budget for the project.

Clearly defined project scope and deliverables.

Low risk for the client since the price is fixed.

Fixed Price Model Cons

Less flexibility to adjust the scope or requirements during the project.

The outsourcing provider may be incentivized to complete the project as quickly as possible to maximize profits.

Time and Material Model

The time and material model is generally best suited for projects that are more complex or uncertain and where the scope and requirements may not be fully defined at the outset. The outsourcing provider is compensated based on the time and resources devoted to the project and any expenses incurred for materials or equipment. The client is typically billed regularly for the work completed, such as monthly or bi-weekly.

Time and Material Model Pros

More flexibility to adjust the scope and requirements during the project.

The outsourcing provider is incentivized to complete the project efficiently rather than quickly.

Provides a transparent view of project costs and progress.

Time and Material Model Cons

Can be difficult to accurately estimate the total project cost at the outset.

The client assumes more risk since the final project cost may exceed the original budget.

Dedicated Team Model

The dedicated team model involves hiring a dedicated team of software developers, testers, and project managers to work exclusively on your project for a set period. This model is well-suited for long-term or complex tasks requiring high collaboration and communication between the client and outsourcing provider.

Dedicated Team Model Pros

High level of collaboration and communication between the client and outsourcing provider.

The client has full control over the project and team.

The outsourcing provider is invested in the success of the project since they are a dedicated part of the client’s team.

Dedicated Team Model Cons

Requires a significant commitment from the client in terms of time and resources.

Staff Augmentation Model

The staff augmentation model involves hiring additional staff members, such as software engineers or testers, from an outsourcing company to work alongside your in-house team. These staff members are typically highly skilled and experienced and work on a short-term basis, usually for a few weeks or months.

Staff Augmentation Model Pros

Allows the client to quickly scale their team with highly skilled and experienced staff.

Provides flexibility in terms of the length of engagement and scope of work.

Can be cost-effective compared to hiring full-time employees.

Staff Augmentation Model Cons

Integration with the in-house team may be challenging.

The client may need to invest time and resources in training and onboarding the outsourced staff.

Build-Operate-Transfer Model

The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model is an outsourcing engagement model where a company partners with an outsourcing service provider to build and operate a dedicated development team for a fixed period, eventually transferring ownership of the team back to the client company. The outsourcing provider is responsible for building the team, providing infrastructure and resources, managing the team’s operations, and ensuring that the team delivers high-quality work that meets the client’s expectations.

Staff Augmentation Model Pros

Provides a low-risk way for the client to establish a long-term dedicated team.

The outsourcing provider is responsible for team management, infrastructure, and resources.

The client can eventually take ownership of the team and integrate them into their company culture.

Staff Augmentation Model Cons

Higher costs compared to other outsourcing models.

Requires a significant long-term commitment from the client and outsourcing provider.

Each engagement model has its strengths and weaknesses. The suitable model for your business will depend on various factors, including the scope, timeline, budget, and desired level of involvement. Understanding the different engagement models available and choosing the best model for their unique needs will help businesses successfully outsource software development projects and achieve their goals.

Case Studies & Examples of Successful Software Development Outsourcing

Many examples of businesses have successfully outsourced their software development and achieved significant benefits. Here are a few case studies:

Logo Slack

Slack is a communication and collaboration platform that has become popular among businesses. Slack outsourced some of its software development to a provider in Romania to keep up with its growth. By doing so, they could scale their development team quickly, access specialized skills, and reduce their time-to-market. This allowed them to focus on their core business activities and improve their competitiveness.  


Logo Skype

Skype, the popular communication tool, outsourced its software development to a provider in Estonia. This enabled them to access a larger talent pool and leverage the provider’s expertise in certain areas, such as mobile app development. The outsourcing partnership allowed Skype to expand its product offerings and improve its customer experience while reducing development costs. 


Logo Alibaba

The Chinese e-commerce giant also outsourced software development to a service vendor in India. Doing so allowed them to access specialized skills and expertise and reduce their development costs. Software outsourcing allowed Alibaba to expand its product offerings, enhance its customer experience, and increase its market share.  


Logo Netwealth

Netwealth is an Australian financial technology company that provides investment and wealth management services. They delegated their work to a custom software development company in Vietnam, which helped them to tap into a larger pool of skilled developers at a lower cost than hiring locally. This enabled them to scale their business faster and more cost-effectively than if they had only built an in-house development team. As a result, Netwealth was able to offer more competitive and innovative products, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and business growth.  


These case studies demonstrate how outsourcing software development can improve efficiency, scalability, and competitiveness for businesses of all sizes and industries. 

So, You Are Ready for Software Outsourcing; What Is Next?

So, You Are Ready for Software Outsourcing; What Is Next? - decor 2

So, You Are Ready for Software Outsourcing; What Is Next?

Are you ready to take the plunge into software development outsourcing? What’s next? It’s time to seize the opportunity and explore potential partnerships with outsourcing providers.  

As you begin your search, remember there is no one-size-fits-all approach to outsourcing. Each business is unique, and finding the right software outsourcing company requires careful consideration of your goals, budget, and project requirements. Be open to seeking expert advice and guidance to help you make the best decision for your business.  

Ultimately, outsourcing software development can be a game-changer for your business. So, take the leap, stay focused on your goals, and watch your business soar.

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Topics: Software Development Outsourcing

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